Tuesday July 23, 2024 – Tuesday Update

Well, still in Atlanta. Just got back from commissary, where I was able to pick up some coffee, creamer, some snacks, vitamins, and some more hygiene. I have to say the longer I am in Atlanta the more I think this place is probably better then OKC. Once you are able to get settled and get the hygiene stuff you need from commissary, which takes about a week, it really is more inmate friendly with the exception of their failure to do laundry and the unpredictable lockdowns. That said, we were locked down in OKC quite a bit the last week because of some mythical elevator malfunction (the elevators seemed to be working fine when I rode them down to depart OKC, LOL). My radio rental investment is looking better by the day. I got it for a flat rate until I leave for the camp. Thanks to it, I have been able to keep up on politics and sports.

I am a political junkie so Sunday afternoon was big news when Joe Biden decided to not run for reelection. I was moderately surprised he actually went through with it. The Democrats must have threatened him behind the scenes with the 25th amendment. I definitely don’t think he wanted to step aside, but he kind owed it to the leaders and mega-donors of his party to step aside after they dragged him across the finish line in 2020, and then covered up for his obvious Dementia for the last four years. Biden endorsed Kamala Harris for president and it looks like she is going to be the Democrat nominee even though she has received no primary votes. Scamala is really what Trump should call her, I think that is the best nickname for her. She is extremely radical and was a horrible Attorney General in California. She would be a disaster and a huge setback for criminal justice reform. Among her terrible moments as Attorney General, Kamala Harris 5 times blocked DNA testing of a death row inmate, Kevin Cooper, which would have exonerated him of a double murder. It was not until days before his execution that the DNA testing was mandated by the court system and he was ultimately exonerated. She was also known for locking up thousands of black Americans for selling dime bags of marijuana while in office.

On the Trump assassination attempt it has leaked that the Secret Service agents on the ground were notified that Crooks, the shooter, was a threat 20 minutes before the shots took place and approximately 10 minutes before Trump came out on stage. I am sick and tired of the politicians in this country on both sides as well as conservative media even talking about Cheatle, the now former director, and how this is a massive security failure. Only two people are consistently asking the real question everyone should be asking and that is Rob Carson and Marjorie Taylor Green. That question is why did the Secret Service on the ground let Trump on stage? The answer is because the DOJ, FBI, Secret Service, and possibly other intelligence agencies are complicit. We cannot trust the DOJ and FBI to investigate this event. Not only are they complicit in this they have been complicit in every attempt to destroy President Trump’s life, bankrupt the man, and keep him from running for election in 2024. They haven’t been successful at any of it, so the only option left is to have Trump assassinated. What does the Secret Service, FBI, and DOJ have to hide? Chris Wray, Cheatle, all Secret Service agents on the ground that day, all senior secret service officials, all senior FBI officials, all senior DOJ officials should have their phones turned over to a bipartisan congressional committee until an independent prosecutor is named and they all must be investigated. Of course this won’t happen and we can’t trust the FBI or Secret Service to do any of this. Remember Andrew McCabe, Lisa Paige, and Peter Strzok in 2016 who communicated about the “insurance policy” they had to take out Trump in the event he beat Hillary Clinton. That was also denounced as a conspiracy theory yet it came out to be true. Same with the illegal wiretaps of Trump’s campaign and presidency. Same with the Hunter Biden laptop.

Here is the lockdown update:

  • Friday: We were let out from 9:00AM to 2:30PM and again from 5:00PM to 7:00PM.
  • Saturday: We were let out from 11:00AM to 3:00PM and then locked down down the remainder of the day.
  • Sunday: We were let out from 8:00AM to 9:00AM, 11:00AM to 1:45PM, and then 5:50PM to 8:00PM.
  • Monday: We were let out from 8:40AM to 2:00PM and then 5:40PM to 8:30PM.

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