Well the debate last night was a consensus disaster for Joe Biden. It came on at 8pm OKC time and we only go to watch until about 9:10pm because we have to lock down for bed at 9:15pm here, which is dumb but whatever. The debate was actually on in all three television rooms. I watched it with my cellie, a former DC lobbyist, and a former attorney from Massachusetts. From the onset it was clear that Biden is clinically impaired which anyone who is intellectually honest in this country has known the man is clinically demented and not fit to seek office. The biggest surprise of the evening was how many Trump supporters were in the unit. From Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites there was considerable support for Trump in the prison unit. The consensus was Biden has only hurt the country, done nothing to help the incarcerated, and a lot of these peoples families are suffering on the outside due to astronomical prices for food, essentials, and housing. Trump won the debate hands down even the Biden supporters this morning in the national media such as the hosts of the View were expressing their discouragement. All in all it was a big night for Trump. It will be interesting to see if the Democrats force Biden to withdraw now and if they try to if he will listen.